Greenlab Project offers you an eco-responsible way to provide easy entry access.
Discover our wooden key cards for opening your rooms.
A 200-room hotel uses 6,000 non-biodegradable plastic cards per year.
Greenlab Project offers you a 100% French oak wood door hanger that can be personalized by printing or engraving on both sides.
A high-end hotel generates 4,567 kg of waste per room each year.
GreenLab Project uses the wooden Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card for
opening hotel rooms and offices.
Tons of plastic have been produced since 1950.
Disposable coffee cups are consumed each year.
Plastic bottles are produced per … minute.
Tourists generate twice as much waste as residents do.
A new report reveals that 20 of the largest companies are responsible for producing
55% of the world’s single-use plastic waste.
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